"Dig Deeper" - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Invite
Hidden Deep within the Magic Kingdom is one gem of a news story just waiting to be unearth. To celebrate the opening of the Seven dwarfs Mine Train (and the Disney Gems) we invite members of the press to exchange their reporters’ hats for miners hats and “Dig Deeper” into the enchanted mine where one million dimonds shine. Package in a wood crate box, the feeling of the attraction was brought to life with a note book, pen to track the media’s daily gems that they would find through out the media press event, a map to guide them thru New Fantasyland and unique vintage tickets that would allow them to gain access to the attraction as well as each day of the media event.
Creative Director: LaTanya Beauregard / Art Direction + Illustration: Sarah Swenson / Copywriter: Diana Broast/January Holmes